why Write More Than One Book?

Why do so many authors seem to write more than one book?

That’s a good question, especially for people who are finding it difficult to make a decision to start writing their first book.

The answer is simple.

• First, authors find out that writing a book isn't as difficult as they feared that it might be. It doesn't cost as much in terms of inspiration, time or angst as they feared.

• Second, the product is far more articulate and impressive than they hoped.

• Third, they see for themselves the direct and measurable ROI a book gives them. They build up their profile on social media. They get invitations to speak. They get business opportunities and contacts. Their name becomes known.

So they want to do it all again. They've broken the glass ceiling and lifted themselves above the pack. Why not just keep going?

Especially when they can see that every dollar they spend on bringing their book to the world is paid back many, many times over, both financially and in terms of reputation and credibility.


A Doctor In A Book


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