It Doesn’t Have to be New

"What if I don't have anything original to say?"

That single fear probably prevents more authors from starting their book than any other…

The bad news is that probably don't have much to say that's never been said before.

The good news is that it doesn't matter.

Very few books are completely original. We're all standing on the shoulders of giants.

Most business books combine the author's experience with stuff they've picked up from mentors or from books by Simon Sinek, Pat Lencioni, Tony Robbins, whoever.

There's no shame in that. Most writers whose ideas we pick up picked up ideas from other writers in their turn.

The best business books present practical information in a way that makes it easy for people to read and then to apply in their own lives. They bring together information the author has gathered from their experience, from their studies, and from other thought leaders.

And only the author can put the information together in the right blend. That's what they've got to say that no-one else can.

🌠 The value doesn't come from being original.
🌠 The value comes from being unique.


How Long Is a Book?


How Do I Become a Writer?